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This type of residence is special for those who wish to emigrate to Spain and can afford to spend a full year without working because they do have enough savings or income to live in Spain without being a burden to the State.

How are the possessions of financial means proven?

  • Bank certificate with a balance greater than € 30,000 with a mandatory previous date of 1-year minimum. If the money has recently been deposited into an account, you must prove where the money comes from.
  • Documents proving that a fixed monthly amount is received permanently, or for life, which may come, for example, from a pension fund (receiving a monthly salary would not be considered valid, since it is not considered permanent).
  • If you have properties that generate a fixed monthly income, certified checks or credit cards accompanied by a bank certification that accredits the amount available as credit on the card.


  • National residence visa application form.
  • Passport or travel title, recognized as valid in Spain, with a minimum validity of one year.
  • Criminal record certificate or equivalent document, if you are of criminal age, issued by the authorities of your country of origin or the country or countries in which you have resided for the last five years. Legalized and apostilled.
  • Documentation proving that you have financial means for the period requested.
  • Documentation proving that you have public or private health insurance, authorized to operate in Spain and with the same coverage as the Spanish national system.
  • Medical certificate from your country of origin.


  • This visa must ALWAYS be requested in the country of origin and not in Spain.
  • Once your visa is approved, you must enter Spain and request your residence card.


  • You can receive your money in any country, it does not have to be in Spain.
  • You can apply for the visa together with your family members without having to wait the year period.
  • It allows you to reside and study in Spain.
  • After one year, you can renew if you have sufficient financial means or change to a residence with work authorization.
  • It is ideal for children or grandchildren of Spanish origin since they only require one year of legal residence to qualify for Spanish nationality.

Do you have any questions about this procedure? Consult with our experts! Free web consultation

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